Pee-Wee's Playhouse

Episode Plot

In the last episode of Season 1of Pee-Wee's Playhouse, as well as the season finale, Pee-wee has a party to celebrate friendship and invites all the friends who come visit. The party includes dancing, snacks and presents. When it seems like no one gets Pee-wee a present, everyone surprises him.

- Last appearances of Tito, Mrs. Steve, Cher, Elvis, Opal, Captain Carl, the Salesman, and Dixie. and also Globey final appearance wearing his suit.
- Pterri last appear is the light green in 1986

- This is also Gilbert Lewis' final appearance as The King of Cartoons.
- Randy gets invited, but is never seen at the party.
- First time Reba is seen out of uniform.
- Only time Pee-wee took the Salesman's incredible offer.
- Last time we see the foil ball.
- Chairry says she got a pillow from Miss Yvonne, but you can see Reba brought it.
- Rosemary Sykes played the Lady Genie

Secret word: this
Connect-the-dots: None
Snack: various party snacks
Wish: Jambi wishes for a girlfriend (Pee-wee's present to Jambi was his wish)
