Pee-Wee's Playhouse

Reba the Mail Lady is Puppetland's mail delivery woman (similar to Mailman Mike), who constantly "fell into Pee-Wee's traps"; later got a boyfriend and a dog.

She frequently delivered Pee-wee's Pen Pal Letters on the show.

In Chairry-Tee Drive, she donated a dashiki to Pee-wee's clothing drive.

At first, she loved the Secret Word game that Pee-wee played, but over time she grew to be intolerant of it, as revealed in Pee-wee and the Del Rubios and Reba Eats and Pterri Runs. She does show some like for it in Rebarella, however.

In the episode Stolen Apples, Reba gave Pee-Wee a backhanded compliment when she told him that the Playhouse is "the most twisted address on my route", but he failed to see that she was insulting him and thanked her instead. In Now You See Me, Now You Don't, while preoccupied she asked him if there was anything wrong with him.

Reba the Mail Lady


First Appearance
Last Appearance
Voice Actor
S.Epatha Merkerson
Mail,Sending Pen Pal Letters
Falling into Pee Wee's Traps

Played by S. Epatha Merkerson
