Pee-Wee's Playhouse

Episode Plot

Dixie's cab has a flat tire, so the King of Cartoons stays and plays indoor golf with Pee-wee, with Conky as the caddie. Pee-wee makes action toys out of construction paper. Captain Carl comes over for snacktime; Pee-wee decides to play restaurant, with Captain Carl is the patron and Pee-wee as the host and waiter. Captain Carl orders things off the menu and finds out they only have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches left. Later, Tito shows Pee-wee his scuba gear and they both have an underwater adventure together.


  • First time the King of Cartoons is seen after the cartoon.
  • Captain Carl and Tito visit in this episode.
  • Captain Carl doesn't eat his sandwich.
  • First time lemonade is mentioned on the show.
  • Pee-wee wasted his wish.


  • Secret word: day
  • Connect-the-dots: shopping cart
  • Snack: peanut butter and jelly sandwich
  • Wish: Pee-wee wishes he knew what to wish for